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Time Signatures
The purpose of this is to tell you the counting which needs to be done when going through a piece of music. The top number tells you how many of the notes indicated by the bottom number there are in a bar. In the example above the time signature is 4-4 (four x crotchets or equivalent in every bar). If the top number was three and the bottom number a four then it would be 3-4 time (three x crotchets or equivalent in every bar).
All(ish) music is split up into bars separated by barlines (indicated by the purple arrows in the picture above). Each bar contains the same number of beats, in this case 4 (unless the time signature changes - we'll deal with that later on) - the number of what sort of beat is given in the time signature. Thus 4-4 time tells us that each bar adds up to four (the top number) crotchets (the bottom number) i.e. each bar has four beats each of which lasts the same as a minim. You can see this below where I've couloured the contents of each bar red or blue - they all add up to four (unless I've got my maths wrong!) If a conductor is conducting four in the bar each time the baton goes straight down (indicating the first beat of the bar) he will be referring to the first note of each bar - makes things much easier to follow if you get lost! (trust me - you will! - We all do!) If you have two on the bottom line then you are dealing with minims (two minims = a semibreve) while if you have four on the bottom then you're dealing with crotchets (four crotchets = a semibreve), if you have an eight - quavers, etc etc If you have an odd number on the bottom then something has gone wrong somewhere - you should only be encountering 2, 4, 8, 16 etc on the bottom. Some examples Below are some examples of different time signatures for the same piece of music (Baa Baa Black Sheep) and what they do to that music - the first (4-4) is the proper time signature. I've put lines over the beats which will be "beaten" by the conductor (and double lines where I can't split them up). Example 1 This is how Baa Baa Black Sheep should look - nice and neat with four crothcets in each bar.
The speed the conductor takes a piece of music is up to him/her - they are in control and you have to follow them otherwise chaos will occur. Please note at this stage the number 5 on the left hand side - you'll see this a lot in music - all it is doing is counting the bars so that, during rehearsals, if the conductor says that we'll begin singing from bar 7 (or rather, in larger pieces, bar 197!) - you don't have to start counting the bars from the beginning! Example 2 Changing the time signature to 2-2 has no effect on the look of the music (in this case) but there are two minims in each of these bars rather than four crotchets - honest! (And I don't know why I got a blue crotchet on the bottom line before you ask! It doesn't sinify anything - it just crept in somehow)
2-2 is often used as "marching" music (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2.......... left, right, left, right etc) Example 3 Changing the time signature from 4-4 to 2-4 means that we have halved the length of each bar - you can see that the effect of this is to double the number of bars we have from 8 to 16.
Example 4 If we change the time signature from 4-4 to 3-4 things
start to get a little bit funky. This time you have a
four on the The conductor will beat three cotchets in each bar. To get an idea of 3-4 time think "waltz" time - 1 2 3 - 1 2 3 - 1 2 3 etc Example 5 OK so things got too complicated for me to put the blue
bars over the notes any more but with a bit of luck you
are getting the message now. As we now have an 8 on the
bottom line the conductor will be beating the number of
quavers in each bar - and there will be six of these in
each bar. On the face of thing it doesn't look much
different from The conductor, istead of trying to find a shape with six points and risk looking like somebody drowning will beat 3 twice for each bar. Each beat will be a quaver. Again, the conductor will have to beat twice as fast as in Example 4 (3-4) to keep the music at the same speed as two quavers = one crotchet. Example 6 Now I'm in trouble. This music is written with seven crotchets in each bar! You can see that this is totally wrong for this piece of music and it doesn't seem to "fit" at all - but it should sound (roughly) the same as 4-4. As for the conducting - I'll leave that up to your conductor to sort out but it could be a combination of Example 1 AND Example 4 to add up to seven beats
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